Project Description

Trail Fork Crossing Replacement

Del Rio, Tennessee (Cherokee National Forest)

Existing culverts at the Trail Fork Crossing were perched and skewed with respect to the stream thalweg, which reduced AOP and created localized erosion and associated sedimentation affecting both the channel and adjacent floodplain. The culverts also created a break in the natural streambed, further affecting habitat conditions.

Stable, reference reach conditions available upstream and downstream of the culverts were carefully evaluated for reference features to inform geomorphic design.

The design included replacing two 7.5’ CMP culverts with a bridge. In addition, design included road and stream alignments, road and stream profiles, stream cross-section, road and stream grading, design methodology for stream morphology, trout passage, and bridge modeling.

Ultimately, ES worked collaboratively with TU, the FS project liaison, the CNF Forest Transportation Engineer, and the Region 8 Bridge Engineer to develop engineering plans with consideration of crossing alignment configurations, roadway approach designs, hydraulics, and structural design to evaluate alternatives and to identify a preferred plan for final design.


  • Coldwater conservation to establish connectivity and continuity for AOP throughout two miles of brook trout reintroduction
  • Bridge intallation to stabilize crossing for forest services vehicles
  • Provide free passage for aquatic species, sediment, and woody debris