64th. Street (A Detective Story)

Game Controls

Click screen to activate.
(Keyboard / Gamepad)
    = Directions (+)
Z = A   X = B   Q = L
A = X   S = Y   E = R
 Enter ↵  = Start
Shift = Select

Optional: Setup your own custom control keys by clicking on the keyboard icon within the emulator. You can activate unlimited time and live options by entering cheat code.

To save your game: Hover over the emulator screen and use the icons to save your progress. Down arrow icon (save), Up arrow icon (load).

To start your game: Wait a few seconds after opening the page to play game. If the game starts to load automatically, there will be texts at the bottom of the game window indicating that the game is loaded. If there are no texts showing that the game is loaded, click the button that says PLAY NOW at the bottom of the game window to load the game. A few seconds after clicking the button, texts indicating that game is loaded will start to appear.

If you are playing the game on a tablet or mobile phone, the buttons used in the game will appear on the screen. But if you are playing from a computer with a keyboard, the buttons of the game are controlled via the keyboard. In order to play the game, it is important to know the buttons used in the game. To learn out the buttons used in the game, scroll down the page and look at the picture below the game name that shows the buttons.

If there is a button that says INSERT COIN in the picture, in order to play the game, you have to press this button several times, just like throwing coin on the machines in the arcade halls. The more times you press the button, the more coin you count. As your coin runs out, you must press the button several times again to play the game.


Game Details

64th. Street (A Detective Story)

64th Street: A Detective Story  is a beat ’em up arcade game released by Jaleco in 1991.


The story starts out in a typical Double Dragon/Final Fight style setting at 64th Street with two protagonists: Rick (Anderson), a calm and intelligent, 35-year-old professional private detective and manager of the detective agency; and Allen (Tombs), a 19-year-old, reformed delinquent trained by Rick, who is “short-tempered and violent when angry”. At the start of the plot, an evil corporation known as the Legacy organization, kidnapped the daughter of a mid-aged rich man and left him a letter explaining why they kidnapped her.

Late one night, before Rick and Allen was about to close their office, the mid-aged rich man rushed inside the office while being exhausted. He asked for help saving his daughter and gave the letter to Rick and Allen. The next day, Allen notices an advertisement in the classifieds with similar sentence structure to the letter left by the kidnappers. Allen couldn’t understand it so easily, until Rick told him to look cautiously at both, the letter and the ad. They soon realised that the writing was actually a secret code, only understood by certain crime lords, so Rick and Allen struggled toward the main base of the Legacy organisation to find the truth and save the kidnapped daughter. The setting later takes on a steampunk feel as it goes along, coming to a head in a battle inside a blimp.


Players One and Two start with the two selectable protagonists, Rick and Allen. Each private detective uses different fighting styles, attempt to solve cases by beating up each criminal they encounter. Many special items can be found by throwing enemies into the background and breaking things, typical of this popular genre in the 1990s arcades. Along the way they are harangued by all manner of thugs and toughs, whose costumes range from 1980s hip-hop wear to stereotypical pirates. The bosses are tough by way of strange special attacks.


64th Street spawned a series of beat ’em ups for the Nintendo Super Famicom titled Rushing Beat. The game’s two protagonists later made a cameo appearance in another Jaleco game, Chimera Beast.


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